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Ashtanga Yoga Hamar SPRING PROGRAMME 

New Courses start from 12 March 2025

ASHTANGA YOGA HAMAR has been offering complete approach to Yoga for the past 12 years.

A healthier & happier lifestyle by bringing together form, philosophy and practical inspirations.

The teachings are based on & dedicated to the traditional lineage of

Shri K. Pattabhi Jois, Shri R. Sharath Jois & Shri R. Saraswati Jois.

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga- Level 1

Begins 12 March 2025

Folding yoga mate

Postures, Breathing

Understand how your breath impacts your movements. Apply correct anatomical and bio-mechanical techniques to Sun Salutations. You will learn standing and finishing postures.


Who should attend

Suitable whether you are new to yoga or if you haven't previously taken a class at Ashtanga Yoga Hamar. The pace is slow and there is opportunity for questions. Existent students are also welcome to join this course. 


Option 1:

Dates: Wednesdays x8

12 March - 07 May 2025 ( Påske break on 16 April)

Time: 19.00-20.00

Price: 2250-

Progressive Ashtanga Yoga- Level 2a

Begins 12 March 2025

Yoga Pose

Stability, Balance, Postures

With greater Breath & Bandha awareness, we continue with the standing sequence and start building stability & balance in the legs &hips. Develop sequence memory so that you can practice on your own. 

Who should attend

Open to those who completed "Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga" or experienced practitioners of yoga.


Option 1:

Dates: Wednesdays x 8

12 March - 7 May 2025 ( Påske break on 16 April)

Time: 16.00-17.30

Price: 2700-

Option 2:

Dates: Wednesdays x 8 

12 March- 07 May 2024 ( Påske break on 16 April)

Time: 17.30-19.00

Price: 2700-


Private, Group & Corporate Sessions 



Recover, Re-Generate & Heal

Private or group sessions to enable the body to function in its ideal state by restoring breathing patterns to influence the entire body and nervous system. 

Promoting diaphragmatic, belly breathing to regulate & activate PNS ( Parasympathetic Nervous System) to help with complexities of life such as anxiety, depressionsleep problems, pain, injuries, stress, addiction, PTSD, digestion issues etc to create more peace and balance.

Next Group session dates: Friday 7,14, 21 March,11 April 

Time: 16.30-17.30

Price: 350-


Private sessions include:

  • evaluate your breathing habit

  • Tecnique to show you the path to improve your breathing habit

  • Increase your respiratory capacity for the enjoyment of daily activities, sports and optimal health.

  • Coaching to discover what you want for your life, and how to achieve that, on your own terms.

Yoga at Home

Thursdays YIN YOGA KURS 
Begins 13 March 2025


Nourishment & Recovery

A slow paced, restorative yoga kurs promoting rootedness and nourishment for body & mind. Perfect way to re-charge and prepare for the weekend. Each class will "cherry pick"  a different layer /part of the body. We claim back fluidity and freedom in those tight muscles, connective tissues & fascia.

Who should attend

Those with chronic stress or pain seeking peace and recovery. Suitable also for the existing Ashtanga yoga practitioners to help them access deeper postures in the sequence. 

Dates:  Thursdays x 8

13 March- 08 May ( Påske break on 17 April)

Time: 16.30-17.30

Price: 2250- ( 50% discount for Ashtanga yoga participants) 


Jeg var veldig spent på hva pusteøvelser innebar og hvordan øvelsene kunne være til hjelp, fysisk og psykisk.

I løpet av denne tiden har jeg erfart hvordan pusteøvelsene har gjort at blokkeringer i kroppen har løst seg opp med tanke på stivhet og smerter i kroppen. Pusten har fått friere bane i kroppen. I tillegg har jeg erfart gjennom øvelsene en bevissthet rundt kropp og tanker, hvor man ble « grounded». En god øvelse hvor jeg bare var til stede i pusten, og tankespinn forsvant. Jeg har tatt med meg i hverdagen kunnskapen jeg har fått gjennom breathing Session. Det som også blir spennende nå er å være bevisst pusten gjennom yogaøvelsene. 

I am grateful.

Tove, Hamar

"For å bringe kropp, tanker og sjel i balanse må vi lytte til hva kroppen prøver å fortelle oss. Yoga er et fantastisk ‘hjelpemiddel’ å bruke til denne lyttingen.. Jeg har prøvd mange ulike yogainstruktører, men ingen har inspirert meg mer enn Meric! Hun er utrolig dyktig, og hvordan hun forener kropp og sjel gjennom yogaøvelser er magisk!" 

 Gill Jeanette, Hamar

"Jeg meldte meg på yogakurs hos Meric Ekren over nyttår.

Det var på tide å følge timer igjen, for å komme godt inn i en yogarutine – både hjemme, og under veiledning fra en yogalærer.

Når jeg har noen til å vise meg, og korrigere de ulike stillingene; så blir det desto lettere å gjøre hjemme-praksisen på en riktigere og tryggere måte.

Etter en av timene mine hos Meric, så merket jeg på vei hjem at det hadde skjedd en del arbeid med hoftene mine. De skalv liksom litt der de satt på setet, festet i hver sin sokkel i hofteleddet. Jeg kjente på at det hadde skjedd mer enn «bare» fysisk arbeid.

Etter noen minutter i bilen, fikk jeg enda et tegn på at det hadde foregått indre arbeid i løpet av yogatimen. Det vellet opp en bølge i meg – fra mellomgulvet, opp mot halsen – av en slags angst og uro. Heldigvis har jeg jobbet med følelser og fornemmelser tidligere, og innstilte meg straks på å kun observere: og la bølgen få løpe fra seg, med alt den bar med seg. Det er jeg glad for at jeg gjorde: slik at den ikke satte seg fast noe sted, men heller fikk skyllet med seg det som tydeligvis skulle renskes bort. Jeg følte meg lettere, friere og undrende etterpå. Heldigvis ble jeg ikke for distrahert, og beholdt hendene på rattet og (det meste av) oppmerksomheten på veien :-) 

Jeg kan varmt anbefale timene/kursene til Meric på Ashtanga Yoga Hamar, om du bor i omegnen og ønsker en dyktig yogalærer."

Marianne, Brumunddal


"Five years ago, I was searching for a different approach to my exercise routine. I felt strengthening muscles was not enough. My mind needed focus and I had the desire to learn to control my mind's urges so I decided to give it a try to Yoga. The very first yoga class I took was with Meric and luckily so. Meric's knowledge of yoga goes beyond the physical postures. She gives close attention to individual's need and respect where they are in their body & mind. She is competent in sharing yoga to both beginners and experienced practitioners. Through her classes, I am now able to enjoy all different ways of movement; running, strength training or hiking in a fresh perspective and wholesome way.Yoga helped me to find the support and inspiration to create my own tools for life obstacles and the journey that is Life ."

 Bruno, Brumunddal

"I never considered yoga to be ”my thing”, being a typical ”work-out person” at the gym. Few years ago I got really ill and couldn't work or exercise. I valued exercise to be an important part of keeping healthy but associated it with pushing myself mentally & physically. It was then I decided to try Yoga. After the first few classes, I started to sleep better and feel more energetic but these classes still focussed only on the physical aspect of yoga and nothing more.Then, I joined the " Yoga Nidra' class with Meric. Thinking back, this was when I first experienced and discovered yoga beyond the physical practice. 

I signed up for the " Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga" and this was the start of my journey, not only did I get to know yoga, but also myself and how to see life and relationships in a new way. Through working with the movements, breath and mental focus I am now able to mindfully observe different aspects of my life.

Exploring the emotional, spiritual and philosophical parts of yoga made the practice complete for me in a healing/recovery process.

Being supported and taught by Meric with her presentness I have grown to be more brave in every aspect of life. I notice the presence of yoga in my life most when it is absent..

Thank you Meric for your loving attention and passion for your students and your own practice."

 Gine, Hamar

Ashtanga Yoga Hamar welcomes practitioners of all stages of life including beginners, experienced practitioners, families, young, seniors....everyone.

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